The making of
From start to finish this series was such a joy to score. Terri Minsky created a colorful world that kept unfolding over nearly 60 episodes and there were so many emotional & poignant moments that I savored as a composer.
Acoustic guitar was the centerpiece, the real heart of the score. From that electric guitar, keys, bass, drums, horns, synths and strings all entered when necessary. But the acoustic sound really matched the tone of the world and became the connective tissue.
A longtime friend and collaborator, Chris Parker, performed all the guitar parts and breathed life into the music. His knowledge of the instrument, alternate tunings, different types of guitars kept me exploring new approaches to writing.
Asher Angel performed several original songs that I created with Terri’s lyrics or lyrics contributed by screenwriters on the show. Lady Gaga also allowed us to produce a version of ‘Born This Way’ for the series finale that featured the entire cast. It was great fun working with the actors and Disney to produce these.
Release date
Disney Channel
Video: Behind The Scenes

Video: original song 'Being around you'

Video: original song 'you girl'